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ADDRESSOGRAPH History and Information

Sidebar: In 2004, you will still find the words Addressograph and Graphotype in modern print.  Sadly these words are usually associated with obituaries in local newspapers.  The people that invented, manufactured, sold, repaired and OPERATED these machines are being survived by the machines themselves.  We as a nation are loosing whole generations that are truly the only people who knew the Addressograph and Graphotype machines intimately.  Some of those lost dedicated their entire adult career to the Addressograph.

With the exception of the LinoType machine I cannot think of any other piece of "office equipment" that has shaped  or had such a profound effect on our nation and culture as the machines produced by Addressograph-Multigraph.  There have been books written about Addressograph-Multigraph employees.  Whole companies lived and died by the Addressograph-Multigraph machines.  Nearly every industry in the United States has at one time or another been effected by the "mechanical soldiers" of the Addressograph-Multigraph company.

On September, 10 2004 Internet searches yielded the following results:

News papers between: (1997 - to date)
American Newspapers - Addressograph - 521 hits
American Newspapers - Graphotype - 211 hits
American Newspapers - Addressograph-Multigraph - 493 hits

Dallas Morning News between: (1885-1977)
Addressograph - 107 hits
Graphotype - 5 hits
Addressograph-Multigraph - 43 hits



What a tounge twister - Just what is a Addressograph-Multigraph and a Graphotype?  Well we have composed a brief history here to to help you understand exactally what these machines are and why they are important to the Military Dog Tags.

     History of the Addressograph-Multigraph Graphotype is as long and twisted as the name.  Just trying to say Addressograph-Multigraph Graphotype in one sentence is a tongue twister.  We at DogTagsRus are most concerned with the Graphotype as it relates to military identification tags, but we feel to understand the Graphotype you have to also understand Addressograph-Multigraph the company.  While our history is not all inclusive we hope it is comprehensive enough to provide a well rounded account of the Graphotype as it relates to dog tags.


Addressograph began operations in 1892. 

"The first ADDRESSOGRAPH was made by a young Iowa miller whose genius was challenged by the daily drudgery of hand addressing hundreds of grain bids, and who determined to find a way of doing the work faster and better.  Crude as was his invention, it printed names and addressed ten times faster than hand-writing.

The first Addressograph was a simple mechanism for printing from a series of rubber stamps, arranged in an endless chain.  An address was printed and the next stamp advanced to printing position each time the plunger was pushed down by the hand."

Mr. J. S. Duncan was the inventor of the Addressograph.


Multigraph started in 1902.

"MULTIGRAPH was conceived by a typewriter salesman who became convinced that the field of any business could be broadened - and profits increased - if facsimile typewritten letters and other sales messages could be produced in quantity from type, printed through an inked ribbon.  His first model was immediately accepted by Business as a practical, profit-making machine.

The first Multigraph consisted of two parallel flat plates.  Printers' type was set into the upper one and a letter was produced by laying carbon paper over a letterhead on the lower plate and bringing the top plate down sharply against it."

Mr. H.C. Gammeter was the inventor of the Multigraph.

"The Company"

By 1907, Addressograph was marketing its "Dupligraph" machine, touted as "the highest development of the process of producing imitation typewritten letters."  This machine could print a letter address, body and signature all in different colors at a rate of 800 to 1200 per hour.  American Multigraph released the "Addressing Multigraph" in 1927.  The Addressing Multigraph used metal type to address and print form letters simultaneously.  The companies of Addressograph and Multigraph merged operations in 1931-1932.  On this date was born one of the icon's of the industrial age a new company called ADDRESSOGRAPH-MULTIGRAPH Corporation.

The above is a photograph of the Addressograph-Multigraph manufacturing plant as it looked in 1933.  During the 1933 "A Century of Progress" World's Fair  the newly formed A-M Corporation boosted that the "modern" manufacturing facility covered more than 8 acres in size and cost over $2,000,000 to build.


One of the most informative historical documents on Addressograph-Multigraph products is the booklet that was distributed by the A-M company at the 1933 World's Fair held in Chicago. 

The theme of the Fair was "A Century of Progress" which focused on the time and changes between 1833 and 1933.  The Fair had particular emphasis on the future and the industrial age.  This Fair documented and illustrated the growth of the United States as a world leader and industrial power.

  Addressograph-Multigraph produced and distributed a booklet titled ADDRESSOGRAPH-MULTIGRAPH AT A "CENTURY OF PROGRESS"

This booklet was distributed as promotional literature but it remains today as one of the best reference tools as it visually demonstrates the broad range of products that Addressograph-Multigraph offered at the time.  The booklet states that in 1933, the A-M company offers over 100 different models of business machines with several thousand different configurations of each model.

1933 World's Fair promotional booklet

The Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation was a company that helped shape and form America during the industrial age into what we have become today.  The Addressograph-Multigraph corporation has influenced almost every conceivable industry from financial, manufacturing and medical to the religious and the legal professions.

The Addressograph Graphotype machine is a silent icon - instantly recognizable by those who are familiar with the machine.  Just the very sight of these machines has an almost magical and alluring effect on those who encounter them.  The model 6300 Series Graphotypes are a work of mechanical art.  Many a time when we have been selling dog tags in public have we had people stop and watch the machines in operation for up to an hour at a time.  Most people are fascinated by the mechanics of the machine and the thought that went into the design and fabrication of the machines.

With the advent of computers and automated systems, the Addressograph Graphotype has been phased out and replaced with newer machines that offer features such as computer interface, computer control, high production capabilities, etc.

"The Machine"


The three above photographs show the original Addressograph machine.  Click on the each photo to enlarge.  The belted addressing plates or rubber stamps can be clearly seen in the first and second photographs, these plates are linked together to form a chain of addresses plates or stamps.


"The Machine"

The Multigraph is an interesting machine, but it is different than the Addressograph as it relied upon loose type to compose the text imprinted. 

On the table to the right the machine with the round drum and the crank handle is the Multigraph machine.  Essentially this machine was a form of copy machine.  To the right you can see the sloped front cabinet, this was the typesetter used for the Multigraph machine. 

Type would be put into rows on the Multigraph and the drum of the Multigraph would be turned much like a duplicating machine.  With the each rotation of the drum the Multigraph would leave an impression thus printing text on to a blank page.  This machine was used to mass produce letters that had the appearance of personalized individually typed letters.  The Multigraph was essentially the predecessor of the modern duplicating machine much like the ones found still in use today, except that the text appeared to have been typed on a type writer. 


The two above photographs are clear illustrations of both the Multigraph and it's companion type setting rack.  They Multigraph is on the left and the type setting rack is on the right.  Notice that the loose type was stored in the rack and would fall down into place to be used when composing the text to be printed.

"The Machine"
" Dog Tag" Machine

NOTE:  We have compiled so much information on the individual Graphotype models that have have now dedicated individual pages to each model.  For detailed information on each model please click on the representative button for that model to be taken directly to the specific page.  You may select from the menu below or use the button listed within each model summary found on this page.

The Graphotype is the one machine that is integral and essential to many of the Addressograph products.  The graphotype is the machine that either embosses or debosses the metal plates that are used by the Addressographs themselves.  With as many variants of the Addressograph that there are the Graphotype also has numerous variants, models and configurations.  Many times the Graphotype was built or configured to suite for a particular application.

This photograph shows a typical installation of Graphotypes as they were employed in large corporations and business.  The Graphotype was essential to company operations as it was the backbone that produced the metal plates for the Addressograph machines.  This photograph illustrates at lease 13 Graphotypes that can be seen.  If one looks closely it is assumed that there are many more that did not make it in the photo.  It is sad as many people who are passing today have listed in their obituaries the fact that at one time or another they were an Addressograph operator.  The machines produced by Addressograph Multigraph effected whole generations and yet many people today have no idea how large a role these machine played in history.  Many people spent their entire adult career as an Addressograph operator.

While the Graphotype may be found in thousands of models and configurations the principal behind all Graphotypes remains the same.  The machine uses a set of dies and punches to either emboss or deboss metal plates or tags for a given application.  Graphotypes come in two styles - either hand operated (manual) or electric (motor-driven).  The motor driven machines are faster and more geared toward production.

This photograph shows a woman operating a 6300 series Graphotype machine.  In this photo you can clearly see the plate tray which is on the right hand side of the machine and slants up from the storage drawer that is fixed to the legs.  Also visible is the clipboard that is mounted on the left hand side of the upper part of the machine.  Notice how the base and legs are rounded and curved.  These machines were made of cast iron and they were build to last.  Something about these machines just says this machine was made to work.

The Addressograph Graphotype is an interesting animal.  Many people will look at one of the machines and their first comment is, "I know what that is, it is a . . ."
     A Linotype Machine
     A Dog Tag Machine
     A old electric typewriter
     A computer punch card machine
     A knife sharpener

One person out of a hundred actually knows that the machine is a Graphotype.  Maybe three people of out a hundred will tell me the machine is an Addressograph.

The purpose of the Graphotype was to imprint information on to metal plates.

To the left is a photograph of the three most common size plates used in the Addressograph machines.  The Graphotype was used to imprint the information that was on the paper label on the metal plate.  The metal plate was used in the Addressograph to transfer the imprinted information onto mailing lists, invoices, etc.





Manual Graphotype

By definition we consider the "manual" Graphotype machines to be machines that do not have motors or require electricity to operate.  The machines that fit into this classification are considered hand operated machines, where by which the operator must manually actuate some feature such as a hand lever, etc., to cause the machine to imprint the plate for each character.

The manual Graphotype machines come in many configurations.  On some machines the operator must select the character to be stamped via a selection wheel and indicating dial, while on others the operator will select the character from a bar, moving the indicator to the right and left to the desired character.  While the selection of the individual character may be different the operation of the various machines is much the same.  The operator selects the character to be stamped, then pulls a lever by hand which loads the spring and stamps the metal plate once each time the lever is pulled.

There are several versions of the G1 - 6100 series and 350 series manual machines.  We have dedicated pages for several versions of these machines please check these pages for detailed information and photographs.

G1 - 6100 Series

350 Series

Electric Graphotype

The electric Graphotype comes in two different configurations - the manual-electric Graphotype and the keyboard electric Graphotype.  The main characteristic that is consistent between the two machines is the fact that the machine requires electricity to operate.  Most all of the electric machines are driven by a 1/4 hp electric motor.  The difference between the manual electric and keyboard electric machines was the method of user interface to cause the machine to imprint the text.

6200 Series Manual-Electric: Is a manual user selected version where by which the operator manually selects the individual character to be imprinted by either turning a wheel or sliding a selection lever across a bar to pick the individual character.

Graphotype 6200 series machines encompass most of these "Manual-Electric," offerings.

There are many models within the 6200 series family at the time of this writing we have been unable to locate detailed and specific information as to the variations between individual modes within the series.  As more information becomes available we will update the data.

6200 Series

6300 Series Keyboard-Electric: These machines are keyboard operated electric machines, where the operator types the characters on a keyboard much like typing on a typewriter or computer.

The Graphotype 6300 series machines are keyboard operated electric machines.  These 6300 series machines are the single most recognizable Graphotype style machine that many envision when they think of a Graphotype.

Within the 6300 series of Keyboard Electric machines there were literally dozens of model numbers with thousands of variations of each model number.  Some of the 6300 series machines embossed while others debossed, some printed backwards, most printed right to left while others printed left to right.

One mistake that most people make when they are looking at 6300 series machines is that they do not realize the thousands of variants of each machine that were produced and they assume that one model number is the same as another machine of the same model number.  With Addressograph Graphotypes the model number will get you close to what each machine is in terms of characteristics but in reality each machine is individual.  Many times Addressograph would not put the machine together until the order was placed.

The main features of the 6300 series machines such as the base, castings, housings, guards, etc., were all interchangeable and were pre-made ready and assembled.  The one thing that makes each Graphotype unique is the fact that each Graphotype was configured for a specific application before it shipped from the factory.  These machines were used for many more applications other than just making military identification tags an as such each machine was tailored to the end users specific application.  Some users may have been making data plates for electric motors and the plate may have been 6" x 4" in size - this would have dictated meant that the jaws, carriage travel, spacing, etc., would have all had to be modified for the end user.

6300 Series

NOTE:  Because of the shear number of variations of each model within the 6300 series this makes searching for a machine ready to make military dog tags a gamble unless you know exactly what you are buying.  At DogTagsRus, we receive several e-mails a week from people who have spent their hard earned money on a 6300 series machine because someone said it would make dog tags - only to find out that - yes it will, but it will take extensive modifications, parts and lots of money to get to the point that it will print dog tags.  Parts for these machines are extremely expensive.  We see machines on Ebay sell for thousands of dollars that will never make a dog tag unless they are completely rebuilt.  DogTagsRus encourages ANYONE interested in buying a Graphotype to make dog tags to become educated before you purchase.  Save your money until a machine that is right becomes available.  DogTagsRus, has purchased 7+ 6300 series machines, only one of the machines was able to print dog tags without modification or parts.  You can check back with DogTagsRus as we will be building an extensive and detailed 6300 series page dedicated only to the 6300 series machine, its parts and operation.  Look for this page to come on-line somewhere around December 2004.

Some of the more common variants of the 6300 series machines are:

 Model Number


 6340 Photo
 6341 Photo
 6350 Photo
 6351 Photo
 6381 - Characterized by offering both upper and lower case type. Photo


6400 Series Cabinet-Keyboard-Electric:  This style of Graphotype is the last in the series of "non-computerized," or Addressograph-Multigraph style Graphotype machines.  This cabinet-keyboard-electric machine is represented by the 6400 series Addressograph Graphotype.

The 6400 series Graphotype is by far the largest of the Graphotype series of machines.  It is essentially an improved version of the Graphotype 6300 series machines with slight variations in capabilities and operating characteristics.  The physical size of the actual machine components changed very little from the 6300 to the 6400, but the overall footprint of the machine changed significantly.

The 6400 series machine was the beginning of the streamlined, politically correct and "modern" Graphotype.  The 6400 series machines were the predecessors of the modern computerized Graphotype replacements.  The single most distinguishing characteristic of the 6400 series Graphotypes that makes them stand out is the sheet metal cabinet that has been added to the unit.  The complete Graphotype machinery and mechanisms have been shrouded by a cabinet fabricated from sheet metal. 

The 6400 series machine is the first Graphotype offering that essentially has NO character.  It give the appearance of a large "block", that occupies about 48"l x 48"w x 48"h, so what you really have is a beige cube that just sits there.  The only thing that differentiates the 6400 series of machines from a motel ice machine is the fact that there is a keyboard stuck on the front and a work light.

Aside from having absolutely no character, the 6400 series of machines did incorporate many new and technical advancements over their 6300 series cousins.  The 6400 series machines had some significant enhancements and capabilities that were not available on the 6300 series machines.


Feature 6300 6400
 Emboss/Deboss Yes Yes
 Imprint on Metal Yes Yes
 Imprint on Plastic NO Yes
 Automatic back space NO Yes
 Adjustable impact settings/pressure NO Yes
 Protective Guards Yes Yes
 Sheet Metal Cabinet No Yes
 Work Light Yes/No Yes
 Upper/Lower case Yes/No Yes

The 6400 series machines has the ability to adjust on the fly - the stamping pressure so that it can print either metal plates or plastic cards.  The 6400 series machines are more complicated than the 6300 series machines in terms of that they have many more adjustments, make the use of cables and pulleys and are comprised of more components overall.

Of the people that own and use Graphotype machines we have found that you either love the 6400 or you hate the 6400 - there is no middle ground.  These machines usually sell for less than the 6300 series machines as they are larger, most people don't know what they are and they do not have the "appearance" of a classic dog tag machine.

In terms of functionality the 6400 series machines are just as serviceable for dog tags as any 6300 series machine.  The only draw backs are that if the 6400 series machines become out of tune they are harder to maintain and they are larger and heavier thus making them for all practical purposes "non-portable" machines.

6400 Series

The United States Military

The original specification for military identification tags called for a machine that would imprint 18 characters per line with 5 lines per tag.  While the majority of Addressograph Graphotypes will not print 18 characters per line they will print 15/16 characters per line.

Not wanting to developed specialized equipment or "re-invent" the wheel the United States Military sought to use a ready made machine available in the commercial main stream that they could use to imprint identification tags.  While several methods and options were explored Addressograph had the Graphotype that with minimal modifications could immediately be pressed into service without the need to manufacture a  totally new and dedicated machine.  The only qualification that the Addressograph Graphotype could not meet was that of the 18 character per line spacing.  The military made the decision that the 15/16 character per line spacing would be sufficient for a majority of the military applications and issued an approval for a deviation request allowing for the 15/16 character spacing. 

Upon approval of the deviation request was obtained the Addressograph Graphotype became the primary imprinting machine for military identification tags and has still remains in military inventory to this day.  Since the time of WWII the Addressograph Graphotype machine has been the primary machine used to imprint military identification tags or dog tags.  Not until the mid-1980's did the Government begin to replace the Addressograph Graphotype machines with newer more modern "computerized" machines.

Though the Addressograph Graphotype machine is no longer manufactured these machines can still be found within elements United States military worldwide.  Only when an Graphotype needs replacement for mechanical reasons does the military "retire" or dispose of these machines.

When an Addressograph Graphotype is slated for retirement it finds its way to the Defense Reutilization Marketing Service (DRMS/DRMO) facility and is either auctioned off as "military surplus" or sold for scrap metal.

The current line of computerized embossing/debossing machines are smaller, faster and have the ability to run high production runs of identification tags with minimal operator interaction.  Many of these new computerized machines are offered by manufacturers such as CMI, etc., etc.

The Addressograph Graphotype machine has been entrenched in the Government machine for years.  The history of the Addressograph with the military is confusing as well as overwhelming.  The list below indicates a hand full of Addressograph Machines and their corresponding Government assigned National Stock Number (NSN).  This list is by no means all inclusive but is fairly representative of how intertwined the Addressograph and the Government have become. 

National Stock Number
Model Number
Government Name
7490-00-688-9866 M350-1 Embossing Machine
7490-00-663-3843 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-655-5750 6440 Embossing Machine
7490-00-655-5749 6481 Embossing Machine
7490-00-655-5748 6441 Embossing Machine
7490-00-634-6678 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-634-2040 6481 Embossing Machine
7490-00-612-5363 355 Embossing Machine
7490-00-612-5362 350 Embossing Machine
7490-00-594-3557 6340 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8454 6743 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8453 6783 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8451 6753 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8449 6741 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8377 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8376 6346 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8375 6340 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8374 6381 Embossing Machine
7490-00-559-8373 6281 Embossing Machine
7490-01-007-9204 350-1 Embossing Machine
7490-00-481-9277 6870 Embossing Machine
7490-00-030-2614 6781 Embossing Machine
7490-00-060-5293 6821 Embossing Machine
7490-00-269-1023 6381 Embossing Machine
7490-00-269-1022 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-153-9687 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-881-2213 6381 Embossing Machine
7490-00-881-2212 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-881-2211 6341 Embossing Machine
7490-00-813-0148 M3 Embossing Machine
unknown 70 Imprinter, Medical
Model 70 Model 70 Medical Imprinter

How many various Graphotypes were used by the military?

This is a good question with a not so clear answer.  The above table ONLY indicates graphotypes that were assigned NSN's after 30 September 1974. 

Notice how many times just the Graphotype Model 6341 has been issued a different National Stock Number (NSN).  Six (6) times since the military has been issuing NSN's the 6341 has been given a new stock number.  The military did not start using NSN's until 30 September 1974.  Prior to the issuance of NSN's items were assigned a FSN or Federal Stock Number.  This brings up the question of how many more identifiers or numbers were assigned to just the 6341 before NSN's? 

How many Federal Stock Numbers were assigned to Graphotypes?  The first use of Federal Stock Numbers was in 1949.  FSN's did not become managed and standardized until 1952.

Prior to Federal Stock Numbers military services (i.e. Army & Navy) operated independently and maintained their own separate supply systems with their own respective procedures for cataloging items and material.  As a result, many items were given a different name and number by each of the services, making efficient use of available stock impossible.  Evaluation of logistical problems after WWII clearly demonstrated these inefficiencies and led to the creation of the Federal Stock Number and an agency to administer the FSN. At this time we have been unable to locate a list of FSN's that were assigned to Graphotype machines.

Army Stock Number 54-M-29065 - hand operated embossing machine
Army Stock Number 54-M-29055-50 - hand operated embossing machine
Army Stock Number 54-M-29055 - motor operated embossing machine
Medical Department Number - Model 70 - 99387

NOTE: In 2002 the military used a Graphotype to prepare identification tags for deployment.

/A 1940's era World War II identification tag maker, the Graphotype, looks like an old fashioned typewriter. Pfc. Michael T. Burdick, uses it to make "dog" tags at one of the readiness stations. " I made 146 identification tags this weekend - it takes me about one minute," he stated. Medical alert tags are also made here./ - excerpt from Guard Times, 2002


The military purchases replacement imprinting equipment based upon bid and Government Services Administration (GSA) contracts.  What this means is that there is a host of companies that are currently providing imprinting machines to replace the Graphotype machines. 

While it is fully understandable that equipment over time becomes dated and may need replacement for a variety of reasons, NO imprinting machine or current replacement will ever have the long lasting impact that the Graphotype has had on the United States Government or the military.

Here are some examples of current replacement imprinters.

Click on anyone of these photos to see an enlargement of the imprinter.

The current crop of replacement "computerized" imprinting machines have NO character.  They are fabricated from plastic and resemble table top laser printers.  While there is no argument that these machines are technically superior to the Graphotype, these machines have become just another piece of "computer" equipment.  The newer imprinters have no personality.

Current imprinting machines generally have more features such as:

  • Hopper Feeding - so that 100's of dog tags can be made per hour.

  • Computer Interface - so that dog tags can be made from spread sheets and data bases full of information.

  • High Speed Printing capabilities - that allow the machines to crank out 100o's of dog tags per day.  Some of these machines boost that they can complete one tag every 18 seconds complete with five lines of information.

  • LCD Displays - for manual entry verification of data being imprinted or visual diagnostics.

Current issue replacement imprinters are offered by a variety of companies.

CIM - Card Imaging Master
Addressograph/Newbold - American Owned

While the newer modern imprinters are smaller, faster and computerized - they do carry a hefty price tag.  Current GSA pricing lists indicate the following:

Interesting note: the current GSA catalog indicates that the machine recommended for dog tags or military identification tags is a debossing machine.  The notched dog tags of WWII, Korea and Vietnam were also debossed.  The Addressograph Model 70 medical imprinter is designed to work with debossed tags.  Embossed tags will not print correctly in the medical imprinter.

M10 - Manual Metal Plate Embosser - base price: $3400.00 - debossing
M10 - Manual Metal Plate Embosser - base price: $3650.00 - embossing
Hand Operated
Embossing dies or Debossing dies
Intended for low volume operations

CIM ME1000
ME 1000 - Manual Feed Metal Plate Embosser
Base price: $10,300.00
RS232 communications port
Can be operated on-line with a PC/Mainframe or off-line with the included keyboard.

CIM ME2000
ME 2000 - Automatic Feed Metal Plate Embosser
Base price: $14,300.00
RS232 communications port
Can be operated on-line with a PC/Mainframe or off-line with the included keyboard.

CIM Metal 3000
Metal 3000 - Side Eject Automatic
Base price: $25,371.00
RS232 communications port
Can be operated on-line with a PC/Mainframe or off-line with the included keyboard.
Suited to high volume operations

By in large the most predominate dog tag embosser replacement for the Graphotype are the machines made by the CIM company.  CIM prices are fairly representative of all current replacement machines therefore we have used CIM's published GSA pricing to compile the pricing data here.


Emboss - Embossing is to press an image into paper, metal or plastic so it lies above the surface. Also called cameo and tool. The creation of a raised (embossed) image by pressing a shape into a sheet of paper with a metal or plastic die.  Also see our page dedicated to Embossing/Debossing.

Deboss - a machine presses a die into the surface of the material, resulting in a depressed imprint.  To press an image into material so it lies below the surface.  Also called "tool".  Also see our page dedicated to Embossing/Debossing.






NSN (National Stock Number) - A national stock number (NSN) is a 13-digit number assigned by the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLCS) to identify an item of material in the supply distribution system of the United States.  It consists of a four-digit federal supply classification (FSC) and a nine-digit national item identification number (NIIN).  The NIIN consists of a two-digit national codification bureau (NCB) code and seven digits which, when used together, uniquely identify each NSN item in the Federal Supply Dirstribution System (FSDS).  FSN - Stands for Federal Stock Number - this was replaced by the NSN.


Published 1933 - Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation
Cincinnati Ohio, 90 Pages.

2. - Battle Creek Federal Center
Last Modified: November 19, 2002 is proud to be a new sponsor of is an Internet Forum for the discussion of Graphotype
machines and dog tags.  Please check out
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